On  13th  February  2025, Doctors  from  PSG  Rural  Health Centre, Vedapatti   gave  an  awareness  programme  on  “Health  Education”  for  the  students  of  Standards  VI  & VII.





Career  Guidance  Programme  was conducted  for  the students  of  Standard X  by  Arasu, HoD, Dept  of  Foundry  Technology,  PSG  Polytechnic  College  on  5th  February  2025.



On  24th January 2025  “Job  Counselling”  an  awareness  programme  was conducted for  the  students of  Standards  IX  &  X    by   S. Sakthivel  M/s  Indoshell Industries.



Associate Director &  Assistant  Engineer,  Vedapatti, Tamil Nadu  Electricity Board  conducted  an  awareness  programme  on “Electrical  Safety  & Energy  Conservation”  for  the  students  of  Standards  VII  to  IX  on  21st  January 2025.



Two  Staff  Members  and  29  NSS  Volunteers  of  PSG  College  of   Pharmacy  conducted  Carrier  Guidance  Programme  on  9th  January  2025  for  the  students  of Standards  IX  &  X.




M/s Shanti Ashram ICPH conducted a  meeting  for  the  parents  of  Standards VI   to X  regarding  “HPV   Vaccination”  on  7th  January 2025.





M/s Shanti  Ashram  conducted  an  “Awareness Programme”  on the topic  “Dialogue  with  Boys”  on  6th December. Dr.Lakshmi Shanthi, paediatrician  gave  a  special  speech  for  the  students.





130 saplings were distributed to the students by Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust & Spread Love Foundation on 29th October 2024.




Life skill Programme was conducted by Mr.Rajini (Plumber) for the students of standards VIII & IX on 18th October 2024.




An awareness programme on the topic “Cervical Cancer and HPV Vaccination” was conducted by PSG College of Nursing on 14th October 2024. Students of standards IX and X participated in this programme.




“Eye Camp” was conducted for the students of classes 6 to 10 by Aravind Eye Hospitals & M/s Shanti Ashram on 10th September 2024.




Mr.Jayakumar B.T.Asst., attended the “Kutty Cops Road Safety awareness workshop” organised by Uyir team at Managaratchi Kalaiarangam R.S.Puram on 17th August 2024.




Life Skill Programme was conducted for the students of standard VIII & IX  on 29th July 2024.




An awareness Programme on “Nutrition” was conducted by the Dietary  Department, PSG  Hospitals  Peelamedu on 26th July 2024  for the students of Standards VIII & IX.



Orientation Programme on the topic “The effects of Yoga on Adolescents” was conducted for the students of Standard X by Dr.S.Sudarshan, Naturopathy & Yoga Physician, PSG Hospitals on 13th July 2024.




PSG Institutions organized a one day workshop on the topic “Transformative Education through the Indian Knowledge System” on 2nd July 2024.



Orientation programme  on  the  topic “Beauty  of  Mathematics”  was  conducted for  the  students of  Standard  IX   by Mr. Haulthorai, retired  P.G. Teacher  in  Mathematics on 29th June 2024.



An awareness  programme  on  the  topic “Climate  Change” (PEDAL  FOR  THE  PLANET)  was  conducted  by  Sivasuryan  at  the  school  premises  on  19th March 2024  for  the   students  of Standards  VI  to IX.




“National Leprosy Eradication Programme”  was  organised  by  Mr.Sreenivasan, Supervisor, Health Department, Poochiyur, Thondamuthur  block  on 13.02.2024.




On 01.02.2024,Shanti Ashram conducted an awareness session “Malarum Pavai for Vulnerable Adolescent Girls” in the School premises.




Sixteen students and  three staff  members  of  PSG College  of  Nursing, Peelamedu conducted  the  Career  Guidance  Programme on “Nursing  as  a  profession” and  “First  Aid” awareness programme  on  30th January 2024.






“Coimbatore Vizha” – “Journey of Unity” organized  by  Shanti Ashram on 3rd January 2024 (Visited  Koniamman Temple, Church, Mosque, Gurudwara, etc) Students attended and  received the participation certificates.




An oath against “Drug Abuse” was taken by all the teachers & students in the School premises on 11th August 2023.





Mr.Hauldurai, retired P.G Teacher in Mathematics, conducted mathematics class to the students of standard IX on 12th July 2023.




Dental Check-up was conducted for all the students of Standards VI to X
by the Doctors of PSG Hospitals, Peelamedu on 29th March 2023.



On 24th March 2023, two ENT Doctors along with staff from PSG Hospitals,
Peelamedu conducted an ENT programme for the needy students of
Standards VI to X.


Seven Doctors from Germany visited our school with M/s Shanti Ashram
volunteers and interacted with the students of Standards VIII & IX on
3rd March 2023.





Dr. Med Barbara  pose (M.D)  specialist  in  General  Medicine (Switzerland) and  2  staff  members  from  PSG College of Pharmacy, Peelamedu gave a special speech regarding  Menstrual  Hygiene on  2nd  December  2022.





An Awareness Programme on Nutrition was conducted by the Dietary Department, PSG Hospitals on 9th November 2022.



Mr.Ramanathan, Principal, staff  members  &  students  of  PSG College of  Pharmacy, Peelamedu   conducted  an  awareness  programme   on  the  topic  “Substance  Abuse” on  4th  July  2024 .  Students  of  Standards  IX  and X  participated  in  this  programme.





Pre  genfest   delegates  from  Germany  visited  PSG High School  with  M/s. Shanti Ashram volunteers  and  interacted  with  the  students  of  Standards VII  &  VIII on 27th October 2022.




M/s. Shanti Ashram  conducted  an Interactive  Session on the topic  “To  Ensure  Children’s  well being during  Covid  – 19  Pandemic” on 26th July        2021 Dr. Kezevino  Aram,  President, Shanti Ashram  was  the  Chief  Guest   and  other speakers  were Subhadra,  Co-ordinator  public  health  ICPH,          Ms. Ramya Devaraj  Research  Associate. ICPH and Ms. Devika Medical Technology.




Every year, Alumni of PSG Nursing College, Peelamedu conduct Career Guidance programme for students of standard 10 in the School premises.




On 28th January 2020, a team of students from PSG College of Pharmacy conducted an awareness programme on Tobacco and Mouth Cancer.




Every year health checkup and health care programmes are conducted by the doctors of PSG Rural Health Centre, Vedapatti.




A rally by the students of the school was organized in Vedapatti regarding “Fit India  Movement” on Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th Birthday celebration.




Once in 6 months, a mock drill for orderly evacuation during natural calamities as well as an awareness programme on “Fire and Safety Measures” is conducted by R. Rangaraj, Fire and Safety Officer, PSG Industrial Institute, in the school campus.




Doctors from Government Primary Health Centre, Pooluvampatti conducts an awareness programme about “Dengue” every year.




“Disadvantage of Tobacco and their evil effects” programme was organized by Coimbatore Cancer Foundation & Saranya Devi, District consultant, Coimbatore Tobacco Control cell on 24.01.2020.




Pre genfest  delegates from Argentina and Switzerland with volunteers of Shanthi Ashram visited the School and interacted with the students to learn about educational practices.




“Coimbatore Book Festival -2019” organized by Mr.C.R.Elangovan, Co-ordinator of Arivukeni. Dr. Senthil Kumaran, an Educationalist was the Chief Guest and N.C. Nandagopalan, Secretary,  gave a special  address.




“Malarum Pavai for vulnerable adolescent girls’’, an awareness programme is conducted for girl students of Stds 9 & 10 by Shanti Ashram every year.




Every year “Awareness Programme on HIV / AIDS for youth” is organized by Shanti Ashram Volunteers.