Faculty Empowerment




PSG College of Technology and  PSG  Institute  of  Technology and  Applied  Research  Organized  a  work  shop  on  Happiness,  Habits  &  Success  on  7th  & 8th  February 2025  at  PSG  iTech,  Neelambur. S.Durga Devi, B.T.Asst ( English)  attended  this  programme.



Orientation Programme on the topic “Introduction to IKS – Teaching Methodology for School Teachers” was conducted for the teachers of PSG Schools by Anaadi foundation, Palani on 17th August 2024 at D-Block, Conference hall PSG College of Technology.




Orientation programme  was  conducted  by the Goyal Brothers  Prakashan Publishers  regarding  NEP & National Curriculum  Framework  (NCF)  with online support on 27th July  2024.



Orientation Programme on the topic “Yoga for Stress Management” was conducted for the Teacher’s by Dr.S.Sudarshan, Naturopathy & Yoga Physician, PSG Hospitals on 13.07.2024.



Faculty Development  programme on  the  topic  “Brain  Storming”  was  conducted  for  the  teachers  of  PSG  Schools, Vedapatti by  Mr.Haulthorai, retired  P.G. Teacher  in  Mathematics on 29th June 2024.



“Faculty  Development  Programme”  by  PSG CARE  on  8th  and  15th  June  2024.




Mr.Hauldurai, retired P.G Teacher in Mathematics, conducted Mathematics workshop at PSGCARE for all the Teachers on 5th August 2023.

Guest Lecture


Teachers’ Empowerment Programme


A brain  storming  session  on “Challenges  faced  by  schools  and  the  way  forward”  was  organised  by  PSG  CARE  on  26th  November 2022  at   PSG  CARE  seminar hall. All teachers  participated  in  this  programme.




Hauldurai, a retired PG Teacher in maths

Topic: Interesting Mathematics class.


I C Govindasamy, the retired Headmaster NGR Higher Secondary school and Team on 17.08.2019.

Topic: Motivational classes for all Parents, Teachers and Students Separately .




The seminar is organized for the teachers to improve their teaching skills.

The Secretary organizes a common Faculty development programme for the teachers of all PSG Schools before the commencement of every academic year. The faculty development programme is conducted by the Secretary periodically in the school. The empowerment programme for teachers helps them follow the best methods that facilitate efficient teaching-learning experience in the classroom. Teachers are exposed to regular orientation and training programmes to keep them updated in their respective disciplines.

English Language Teacher Association of India (ELTAI), New Science Equipments & Demonstration Training, Communication skills workshop, Cambridge Assessment Training, Usage of Google Tools Training, Effective online class Training are conducted by the Management for the Empowerment of the Teachers.