Come to school on time, well-groomed – in proper uniform and polished shoes.

Regularity and punctuality in work and attendance are essential.

Keep the classrooms and school premises clean and tidy.

Switch off the fans and lights after use.

Complete your work in time and respect the guidelines given.

Respect all elders, parents, teachers, friends, and classmates.

Go in a line while walking in the corridor and steps. Separate queues are to be made for boys & girls.

Students should avoid taking unnecessary leave.

Do not bring any gadgets like mobile, iPad, etc to school.  They are strictly prohibited in the school campus.

Do not wear expensive ornaments to school.


The role of the parents/guardians is equally needed and important in the growing years of the student.  Their cooperation will help in molding the student’s character and future.  This relationship between parents and the school begins the moment the student steps into the school. There are various ways to strengthen this relationship:

Ensuring that the student comes to school regularly.

Communication through detailed circulars, school diary, and Website will help parents and schools to stay informed.

Parents are always welcome and invited to know the progress of their children with the  prior appointment with the Headmistress, Teachers  and  Staff.

Parents need  to  check  their children  diary everyday.

Parent-Teacher Interaction (PTI) is held after each term assessment.

Details of all meetings are issued in circulars to parent/guardian.

The school expects parents to attend all the Parent Teachers  Meeting held during the year.

Students  in school uniform   need  to  accompany  their   parents/guardians  for each  PTA  meeting. Report Cards will be handed over to their parents/guardians only.